Daily Dose of Protest: Slacktivist – Desaparecidos

Some would argue that social media is a powerful platform for protest and social change. Others would contend that it encourages passiveness and it actually hinders meaningful political activism. This subject was addressed by the song “Slackvivist” by Desparecidos (a side project of Bright Eyes Conor Oberst).

“Slacktivist” addresses those that delude themselves into thinking they are activist because they get involved in retweeting hashtags, they feel “you don’t have to march, you just have to click your thumb.” The tune also includes offline examples of passive activism such as wearing a bracelet or donating a dollar to a cause while buying a cup of coffee. In the mind of Oberst, these efforts are not really about bringing lasting social change, it is more about doing just enough to make ourselves feel good without having to make any adjustments to our daily routines.

“Slacktivist appears on the Desaparecidos 2015 album, Payola.