Daily Dose of Protest: Puncha Nazi – Doll Skin

Photo from the band’s website: dollskinband.com

On Donald Trump’s inauguration, which took place on January 20, 2017, a protester punched white supremacist Richard Spencer. Video footage went viral and a heated debate was sparked. There are those that feel that violence is never justified and it could undermine the effectiveness of peaceful protests. Others feel that neo-Nazis should be made to feel as uncomfortable as possible.

The question is raised: is it OK to punch a Nazi? According to the four women who make up Doll Skin the answer is a resounding yes. “Puncha Nazi,” off of their 2017 album Manic Pixie Dream Girl makes it clear that not only is it OK, but they wholeheartedly encourage it. 

The song opens with the lyrics “You racist sympathizers / You’re just a waste of space / So ugly / So wrong / It’s time you knew your place.”

Even though individuals like Spencer always existed, Trump being elected embolden them to be more upfront about their hateful ideologies. Treating white supremacy with civility only normalizes something that should never be normal.