Daily Dose of Protest: A Scary Time – Lynzy Lab

Photo from artist’s twitter account.

Lynzy Lab is a dancer and choreographer who recently wrote and recorded the perfect response to the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation and #HimToo. Since posting the video of her performing “A Scary Time,” it started to go viral and has garnered significant social media buzz.

The satirical tune addresses the men who try to paint themselves as the victim of #MeToo. The lyrics also address the many precautions that women have to take to protect themselves in comparison to men. Statically women are more likely to be raped than a man being falsely accused of rape.

The tune also includes the scathing lyric “girls like to act like you’re to blame and they’re the victims/  her dress was short and she was drunk, she’s not so innocent,” which highlights the tendency to blame the victim for being sexually assaulted.  The onus is put on the woman not to be sexually assaulted.

This topical tune brilliantly employs biting humour to make a powerful and timely statement.