Daily Dose of Protest: Song 31 – Noname (featuring Phoelix)

Noname’s Room 25 wasn’t just the most critically acclaimed album of 2018, but it was also important for its social awareness. The Chicago indie rapper skillfully blended a personal narrative with insightful commentary. The album was included as one of the 40 Best Protest Albums of 2018. “Prayer Song” off the album was also featured as a Daily Dose of Protest.

Noname started off 2019 by releasing a new single, “Song 31”. It features her trademark jazzy musical arrangement with her eloquent poetic flow. The tune touches on several topics, including the importance of representation in the entertainment industry, choosing independence over a major record label, the commercialization of Christmas, how factory farms unethically treat animals, and how for-profit prisons make money off systemic racism.

Even though each of these issues may seem to be separate, Noname connects the dots and makes it clear that each of these issues connects back to the dangers of consumerism. A system built on profits not only stifles creativity, but it leads to the disregard of the life and dignity of both humans and animals.

Noname’s ability to tackle multiple issues in a seamless and non-preachy way is one of the reasons why she is such a vital artist. It looks like 2019 will be another productive year for her.