Video: Ongoing History Of Protest Music Episode 14 Interview with Elise Okusami (Oceanator)

This was previously exclusive to my now defunct Patreon and was private. I’ve decided to make this public. This is the video footage of my Episode 14 podcast interview with Elise Okusami who performs under the name Oceanator. We discuss her full-length debut album Things I Never Said (she has since released the follow-up album (Nothing’s Ever Fine) which was released on August 28, 2000. We also discuss the three-song EP Tear The Fascists Down which she released through Bandcamp to raise funds for the New York affiliate of Survived and Punished, “a coalition of defense campaigns and grassroots groups committed to eradicating the criminalization of survivors of domestic and sexual violence and the culture of violence that contributes to it.”  She also discusses her musical influences, the challenges of being a black woman in a traditionally white male-dominated genre, and how sometimes even the act of performing can be a statement of protest.  It was initially posted on August 24, 2020. I will be posting other videos from the archives in the coming days.