A Month of Protest: March

Grace Petrie, from the artist’s Bandcamp This is your monthly recap of notable socially conscious music, which includes acts of reclamation and protests against genocide and colonialism. Songs/Videos: Red Future (feat. Electric Fields) – Snotty Nose Rez Kids This is the title track of the Canadian Indigenous hip-hop duo’s upcoming album, slated for a June 2024 release. The tune is […]

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100 Best Protest Albums of the 1990s

Much of the music of the 90s may be associated more with personal angst that political dissension, but it was still a rich decade for socially conscious music. The decade could be considered the golden age of afro-centric hip-hop music. Movements such as riot grrrl and queercore were also important in amplifying women and LGBTQ+ voices. There was a diverse […]

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