A Month of Protest: July

Over the past number of months, posting has been less frequent due to health issues and other personal circumstances. There has been improvement, so I hope to start posting more often. In connection with this, I plan on returning to posting a monthly recap. Below is a list of notable socially conscious songs, videos, and albums released during July. Songs […]

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100 Best Protest Albums of the 2000s

Part of the purpose of this site is to chronicle the historical developments of protest music. One way to do this is to look back at previous decades. I previously published a list of the 100 Best Protest Albums of the 2010s. Now we are going to look back at the best albums of other decades, starting with the 2000s. […]

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Daily Dose of Protest: List of Demands (Reparations) – Saul Williams and The Kills

“List of Demands (Reparations)” originally appeared on Saul Williams 2004 self-titled album. Concerning the intent of his lyrics Williams made the following annotation at Genius: “I’m tired of the bullshit. I’m tired of the hustle and the make-believe hustle. I’m tired of buying into ideas that divorce me from my potential. I’m tired of having my potential explained in terms […]

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