Protest Music Hall of Fame Nominee Poll

Part of the objective of this website is to chronicle the historical developments of protest music. It is also my goal to eventually create what could be considered an online archive of artists, albums and songs that have notably contributed to the continually expanding cannon of protest songs.

With that goal in mind I decided I create an online Protest Music Hall of Fame. A few months ago I posted a reader’s poll where people could list the artists, albums and songs that they found to be the most influential. Based on those results I complied a new poll consisting of a long list of nominees.

In the future if I’m able to expand the reach of this website I’ll hopefully be able to obtain a wider response in the polling. Also in the future I’ll like to reach out to music historians, journalist, musicians and any others who could be considered experts on protest music.

Polling will end on November 30, 2018. The inductees will be announced shortly after.