Daily Dose of Protest: Sister – Petrol Girls

Album cover of Petrol Girls upcoming EP, The Future Is Dark. Due out September 14, 2018.

Petrol Girls is a post-hardcore band from the UK. “Sister” is a new song off of their upcoming EP, The Future Is Dark, which comes out September 14, 2018.

In a press release front-woman Ren Aldridge made the following statement concerning the song’s mission statement: “I’ve been wanting for us to write a song about sisterhood for a long time, because it’s these relationships that have had the biggest impact on my life and that form the heart of my feminism.”

The potent video begins with a diversity of women explaining what sisterhood means to them. The visuals include acts of resistance and solidarity. The tunes poignant lyrics include: “We will decode this world together / We will write our existence in / Because the planet will not survive / In the hands of toxic men.’

The song rages against the patriarchal society that has a long track record of destroying the planet and oppressing others. It is now time for the disease of toxic masculinity to be rooted out of society. A strong coalition of sisters is the remedy that is needed.